Pet Vaccinations in Jenison, MI
Vaccines are an important factor in your pet’s preventative health care plan. We will discuss a protocol for core vaccines and then develop a protocol for a pet’s lifestyle and individual risk factors, etc.

Pet Vaccinations
At Chicago Drive Veterinary Clinic, we want to get to know your pet and understand their lifestyle so we can create a vaccination plan just for them. Call (616) 669-0501 to schedule an appointment for your pet!
Will My Pet Have Any Side Effects?
Vaccinations for dogs and cats are continually becoming safer and more effective. While side effects can happen, they are typically minor and temporary. These can include drowsiness for 24-48 hours and stiffness and soreness at the injection site. Rare side effects, such as facial swelling, vomiting/diarrhea, pale gums, and collapse, warrant a call to our clinic.
We recommend vaccines for every pet’s protection, whether they spend most of their time outside or inside. Viruses and parasites can still enter the home or be carried in on your clothes, hands, shoes, or by another animal. We offer both core vaccines, which are essential for every pet, and non-core vaccines, which we recommend based on lifestyle and the likelihood of risk.
- Rabies – core
- DHPP (distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus, parainfluenza) – core
- Bordetella
- Lyme
- Lepto
- Canine influenza
To find out more about which vaccines your pet will need and when, please contact us at (616) 669-0501.
- Rabies – core
- FVRCP (feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and panleukopenia) – core
- FeLV (feline leukemia)
When Does My Pet Need to Start Getting Vaccinated?
We should start seeing your pet for their initial vaccinations at 6-8 weeks old. First, your pet needs to complete their distemper series (DHPP for dogs, FVRCP for cats), which involves getting a booster shot every 3-4 weeks until they are 16-18 weeks old. Rabies should be given at 16 weeks, and any additional lifestyle vaccines will be discussed and given between your pet’s first visit and their visit at 16-18 weeks.
To find out more about which vaccines your pet will need and when, please contact us at (616) 669-0501.